Exercises recommended throughout pregnancy (2025)

You may feel your body is already being put through its paces just because you're pregnant. But keeping up a gentle exercise regime will really benefit you. Our article will help you to decide which types of exercise are best for you and your growing baby.

Why is exercise recommended during pregnancy?

Exercise in pregnancy has many benefits. It improves your muscle tone, strength and endurance. If you are used to keeping fit, you may find it easier to adapt to pregnancy than someone who is out of shape (Clapp et al 2002, Berk 2004). Regular exercise will:

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  • help you to carry the weight you gain during pregnancy
  • prepare you for the physical challenge of labour and birth
  • make getting back into shape after your baby is born easier

Which exercises are best for me?

The ideal exercise in pregnancy gets your heart pumping and keeps you supple, without causing you or your baby too much physical stress. Many activities, such as running and weight training, are fine in the beginning, but you may need to modify your regime as you grow bigger.

It's best to avoid activities where you might be in danger of slipping or falling, such as cycling, rollerblading, horseriding, and skiing. However, many professional sportswomen continue competing well into their pregnancy (Artal et al 2003, Berk 2004).

The following exercises, recommended by health professionals, are safe for you. Some of them may not be suitable for the last few months of your pregnancy. To be on the safe side, talk to your doctor, midwife or a physiotherapist before starting an exercise regime.


Walking keeps you fit without jarring your knees and ankles, and gives your heart a workout if you walk briskly. It is safe throughout your pregnancy and can be built into your every-day routine.

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Jogging and running

Going for a jog is one of the quickest and most efficient ways to work your heart and your body. You can tailor it to your timetable, running 15 minutes one day when that's all you can fit in, and 30 the next when you have the time.

If you've never been for a jog or a run before, now is not the time to start. It's best to stick to more gentle exercise, such as walking or swimming.


Swimming is one of the best and safest forms of exercise for you. It exercises both your large muscle groups (your arms and legs) and works your heart and lungs. The bigger your belly gets, the more you'll enjoy feeling weightless in the water (Artal and O'Toole 2003, Lynch et al 2003).

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If you like group activity, you could join a prenatal class. Exercising while standing in water is gentle on your joints and supports your belly. It can help ease swelling in your legs, which you may find happens later on in your pregnancy.

Yoga and stretches

Yoga helps to maintain muscle tone and flexibility. It's kinder to your joints than more vigorous types of exercise. However, you may have to go walking a few times a week to give your heart a workout. This will complement the stretching you do in your yoga sessions.

The stretching helps to keep you supple. This should work particularly well for you, because of the effects of a pregnancy hormone called relaxin. Relaxin makes the strong tissues that connect your bones (ligaments) more pliable. Don't overdo the stretching, though. Think about gently opening and extending your body rather than pushing yourself. Your yoga teacher will show you how to relax your body and mind.

Make sure your yoga teacher is experienced in providing advice for pregnant women. It's best to choose a specially designed prenatal yoga class. If there isn't one in your area, read up on the different styles of yoga to find one that is safe for you.

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Pilates exercises follow patterns of movement which work and strengthen your tummy and pelvic floor muscles, a segment of your body known as the stable core or base.

Your Pilates teacher will guide you on your posture, making you aware of how you hold your body. She'll take you through a series of positions and movements that are designed to build your strength.You'll learn how to time your breathing with the exercises, and how to achieve relaxation. Pilates exercise can be useful during and after pregnancy. It targets the muscles which can weaken during pregnancy, in a way that supports rather than strains them.

The exercises you learn (and this goes for yoga, too) may help you with relaxation and breathing in labour when the time comes.

Weight training

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If weight training is already part of your exercise routine, there's no reason to stop. You will need to ease off on the heavier weights now you're pregnant, though (van Hook et al 1993, Ahlborg et al 1990). As long as you are careful, light weight training is a great way to tone and strengthen your muscles (Evenson et al 2004). Don't work so hard so that you overheat and gradually wind down your regime towards the end of your pregnancy.

Low-impact aerobics

A low-impact aerobics class gives you a regular time slot when you're guaranteed to get some exercise. If you sign up for a class for pregnant women, you'll get to make new friends, and can feel reassured that each movement is safe for you and your baby (McMurray et al 1996, Larssen and Lindgvist 2005, Collins et al 1983).


You can get your heart pumping by dancing to your favourite tunes in the comfort and privacy of your own home. Don't get carried away, though! Try not to leap, jump, twirl or change direction suddenly. If you sign up for a class for pregnant women, you can lose yourself in music, stay fit, and meet others.

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

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Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.